Free Up Storage Space

This article walks through three different ways to restore storage space so you are able to continue viewing data and maintain a seamless experience with ActivTrak.

The most common reason to free up some storage space is if you are on our Freemium plan which is limited to only 3GB of space. Once a Freemium account has exceeded this limit, the service will continue to run and track the users on the account but will not give access to any data. If this does happen, as soon as storage space is freed up, access to all remaining data will resume as normal. It is best practice to check how much storage space has been used on a free account and delete data before hitting the 3GB limit to avoid losing access to data.

Note: Please export and save any reports that need to be kept before beginning to use one of these options. Once the data is deleted, there is no way to recover it. 

Only Advanced and Premium Plan Users have the option to export screenshots. Free accounts can right-click and save images individually.

Option 1: Deleting Screenshots

1. First log into the Dashboard and navigate to Alarms > Screenshots > History.

2. Here all screenshots can be viewed along with a 'Delete All' button in the top right corner. 

3. After saving or exporting the images that need to be kept, click the 'Delete All' button to remove all images and user data. 

NOTE: There is no way to pick and choose individual images to delete, you must delete all or nothing.

Option 2: Delete User Data

1. First, log into the Dashboard and navigate to Settings > Users & Groups > User Agents on the sidebar.

2. On this page, there is a large table displaying all of the installed users and information about them. Select the users you wish to delete saved data from. Or similarly, navigate to Settings > Users & Groups > Computers to select computers to delete saved data from.

3. Once the Users or Computers you want to delete data from are checked, click the 'Delete' button in the top left. 

4. A pop-up box will appear. Check the box and confirm the deletion.

NOTE: You can see a breakdown of definitions for the User Agents table and Computer Agents table.

Option 3: Remote Uninstall

This is the appropriate option if you no longer need a particular computer on your account and are ready to delete that device and its associated data in its entirety. 

1. Navigate to Settings > Users & Groups > Computer Agents.

2. Locate the row that includes the computer and click on the three dots to the right.

2. Select 'Uninstall Agent' from the dropdown menu to remote uninstall the ActivTrak Agent from that computer.


NOTE: This will also delete any data that was associated with that computer, so please be sure to export any information you wish to keep first.

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