Failed or Late Payments

Payments can fail for a number of reasons. If there’s ever an issue, we’ll immediately email
billing contacts and Account owners.

What to expect:

We hope that you’re able to resolve payment issues quickly, but below is a quick
rundown of what you can expect if not.

After... What to expect
7 days If we cannot process a payment after a week, we’ll reach out to ActivTrak account contacts and Admins, and any billing contacts.
14 days

We’ll send another reminder to the same people just in case there’s still an issue.

21 days We’ll reach out to the ActivTrak account owner and billing contacts again. 
28 days  The ActivTrak account will be downgraded to the Free plan, account locked and overdue payment sent to collections. 


Update your payment method

If you've run into a payment issue, Only account owners, or the person who upgraded the
ActivTrak account can update their payment information by contacting

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