Insights Overview

Insights dashboards and features save you time and make your valuable ActivTrak productivity insights more actionable with coaching opportunities and recommendations for leaders and employees, as well as goal-setting capabilities that help you and your teams work wiser.

Insights are available in select plans. To learn more about enabling Insights in your account, request a live demo or get a quote.


Quick demo of Insights Dashboards

Read on for a brief overview of each dashboard and feature included in Insights. Click the link in each section below for detailed information on the associated dashboard or feature, or jump to Insights FAQ.

Insights Dashboards


Executive Summary

Keep a pulse on organizational health with a 30,000-foot view of productivity goal attainment and utilization levels. Quickly assess the balance between productivity and well-being to identify teams that need support.



Team Comparison - Productivity

Compare key productivity and focus indicators vs. goals across teams. Identify opportunities to learn from teams' best practices.

Team Comparison - Productivity.png


Team Comparison - Efficiency & Workload

Compare key organizational efficiency and health indicators across teams. Identify opportunities to reallocate resources to meet company goals and boost productivity.

Team Comparison - Efficiency & Workload.png


Team Comparison - Side by Side

Understand how your team is working in comparison to other teams. Identify best practices and opportunities to improve.

Team Comparison - Side by Side.png


Location Insights - Team

Understand where teams spend their time to assess compliance with in-office policies and make data-driven decisions about office space investments.

Location Insights - Team - Designed.png


Location Insights - Users

See when employees work in the office vs. remotely, and where they are most productive.

Location Insights - Users - Designed.png


Activity Breakdown - Team

Analyze how total time is being spent for teams and individuals. Using goals, you can quickly evaluate how your team’s behaviors compare to the optimal state defined.

Activity Breakdown - Team (1).png


Activity Breakdown - Users 

Analyze the category breakdown of activities by team and individual to understand alignment to team function and goals.

Activity Breakdown - Users.png


Work Efficiency - Team

View metrics for productive and focused hrs/day to understand how your team works and compare against team goals.

Work Efficiency - Team.png


Work Efficiency - Users

Identify inefficiency sources contributing to leaks on productive time and focused time.

Work Efficiency - Users.png


Workload Balance - Team

Understand work habits across teams and identify who is working long hours and off-hours on a consistent basis.

Workload Balance - Team (1).png


Workload Balance - Users

Understand work habits by team member and identify who is working long hours and off-hours on a consistent basis.

Workload Balance - Users.png


Workload Balance - Capacity Planning

Make data-driven decisions about headcount allocation and resource distribution

Workload Balance - Capacity Planning.png


Technology Usage - Overview

Understand allocation % for top categories, applications, and sites.

Technology Usage - Overview.png


Technology Usage - Top Changes

Identify changes in allocation % for top categories, applications and sites by comparing different time ranges.

Technology Usage - Top Changes.png


Technology Usage - Adoption 

Understand how technology is utilized to measure user adoption changes across different teams and categories.

Technology Usage - Adoption.png


Benchmarks & Goals

Compare productivity and focus against team historic benchmarks and set future goals based on historical data to help establish a culture of continuous improvement.



Personal Insights Dashboard

Get insights into your personal work habits to help improve your workplace experience and develop critical skills for personal development. Using this visual representation of the digital workday, individuals can make informed decisions in areas that can dramatically reduce fatigue, stress and inefficiencies, and provide a path to higher productivity and sustainable outcomes.



Share Personal Insights with Team Members

Leaders and managers can also share the Personal Insights Dashboard with employees to help them design their schedules and adjust work habits to improve their work experience and well-being. This functionality is enabled by default via the Subscriptions & Sharing setting on the Insights Configuration Page.

Other Insights Features


ActivTrak Coach

ActivTrak Coach makes it easier for managers to focus on meaningful trends and take action to increase team productivity, boost employee engagement, and promote healthier work habits.

Coach - Highlights.png

Impact Analysis

Correlate organizational change to shifts in employee work habits. Conduct A/B tests and before-and-after analyses to understand the impact of new workplace programs (like a reduction in force, a new hybrid work policy, or a 4-day work week), leadership changes, the adoption of new technology, and much more.

Impact Analysis - Summary (1).png

Insights Settings


Insights Configuration 

Ensure insights are relevant and applicable by setting configurations specific to your organization.



Email Subscriptions 

Create email subscriptions for yourself and other app users to share a snapshot of Insights dashboards on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.


Learn more about the different metrics and terms found in Insights dashboards and features by reviewing our Insights data glossary.

Insights Frequently Asked Questions

How often does the Insights data refresh?

Data updates once per day for all Insights dashboards and reports. Any changes to configuration settings, account access or goals made during the day will not be reflected until the next data load. The refresh window is 1 am - 6 am (based on the account’s time zone). 

The top right corner of the application displays a timestamp of when Insights data was last updated, as shown in the screenshot below.


Additionally, caches are created at the user level on a daily basis once a dashboard has been executed. Caches are saved for every single filter combination, meaning that every change in a filter will create a new cache for the remainder of the day. This results in faster response times after the initial dashboard execution.

How often are Coaching Opportunities refreshed?

Coaching Opportunities are refreshed every Monday (once per week). When new Coaching Opportunities are available to review, a red notification indicator will appear next to the Coach tab in the left navigation.

How does the Goal Setting feature work?

All users are onboarded with default goals: Productive Hrs/Day = 6.0 and Focused Hrs/Day = 3.0. Goals can be configured at the team level on the Benchmarks & Goals page. If a user belongs to more than one team, the user will be assigned the goal of the team with the highest value for Productive Hrs/Day.  If the goal value happens to be the same, then the highest value for Focused Hrs/Day is used for tie-breaking purposes.

Goals can be set by Administrators. Additionally, Power Users and Viewers can set goals for each team if they were granted permission by the Administrator. To learn more about user roles and permissions, click here.

Can I hide details of individual users' activity from Insights Dashboards?

Yes! To view team-level data only in Insights Dashboards, toggle on the "Exclude Non-business Activity Details" setting on the Insights Configuration Page (Insights > Configuration). Learn more here.

How is Focused Time calculated?

Focused Time is the productive time in which an individual is engaged and working on a single task without collaboration, disruption or attention shifts.

Focused Time = Productive Time - Collaboration Time - Multitasking Time 

How is Collaboration Time calculated?

Collaboration Time occurs through two-way communication using digital collaboration tools like meeting software, chat and messaging tools. Collaboration Time, by definition, is not focused, even though it is critical in every company.

You can configure the categories that roll up to Collaboration Time from the 'Collaboration Time' setting in the Metrics tab of the Insights Configuration Page (Insights > Configuration).

How is Multitasking Time calculated?

Multitasking Time includes productive activities consisting of multiple tasks executed in a short period of time. 

Multitasking Time = Time spent in Attention Shifts + Attention Residue Time

See definitions for attention shifts and attention residue time below.

How are Attention Shifts identified?

Attention Shifts can be configured at the account level from the 'Attention Shifting' setting on the Metrics tab of the Insights Configuration Page (Insights > Configuration). By default, Attention shift events will be triggered when:

  • The number of applications/sites accessed within 60 seconds are more than 2
  • The number of screen views (title bars) accessed within 60 seconds are more than 4

How is Attention Residue Time calculated?

Our brains take some time to get back on track and focused after an attention shift. ActivTrak incorporates this dynamic into our app by adding a 3-minute attention residue ‘tax’ after each attention shift, making it more representative of how our brains react to an attention shift before they can focus again. You can read more about the science behind it here.

How are the Workload Balance Utilization Levels calculated? 

By default, users are classified in a bar chart color-coded by utilization level as follows:

  • Underutilized: When an individual is less than 20% under their productive hours/day goal

  • Healthy: When an individual is within +/- 20% of their productive hours/day goal

  • Overutilized: When an individual is more than 20% over their productive hours/day goal

Note: The % Threshold vs Productive Hrs/Day Goal can be configured using the setting at the top of the Workload Balance Dashboard.

How is Break Time calculated?

A Break begins when a user's computer has been inactive for more than 5 minutes during Working Hours. (Working Hours for each user can be configured in Settings > Scheduling).

The duration of an individual break is capped at 2 hours. After 2 hours, a user will be shown as inactive, but the time will not count toward the user's Break Time.

Average minutes per break = total break time in minutes / the total number of breaks over a given time period.

How is Location (Office vs. Remote vs. Office/Remote) determined?

The ActivTrak Agent analyzes a user’s IP address and unique on-device signals to determine whether the user is co-located with other employees from the same organization (labeled “Office”) or not (labeled “Remote”). The “Office/Remote” category is assigned when a user works from an office and a remote location on the same day, with less than 80% (by default) of their work time spent in either location.

Please read this article for additional details. For other Location Insights FAQ, click here.

What is the difference between Last 7 complete days and Last 7 days?

Last 7 complete days does not include today while Last 7 days does. 

Example: Today’s date is 02/01/21

  • Last 7 complete days: 01/25/21 - 01/31/21
  • Last 7 days: 01/26/21 - 02/01/21

Note: The Personal Insights Dashboard is the only dashboard configured to return the Last 7 complete days. On all other Insights Dashboards, users can select a timeframe using the Activity Date filter.

What is the purpose of the Day Type filter in Insights dashboards?

The Day Type filter allows users to limit the data displayed in Insights dashboards to either weekday (Monday through Friday) or weekend activity. When viewing data for a team with a typical work schedule of Monday through Friday, this filter ensures that averages (e.g., Productive Hrs/Day, Focus Hrs/Day, Total Time) are not skewed by weekend activity. Learn more about how averages are calculated in the Insights Data Glossary.

To ensure accurate reporting for teams that do not work a standard work week (Monday through Friday), Admins can create schedules to reflect employees’ working days and hours.

Note: ActivTrak only collects data during a User’s defined schedule.

How do filter selections transfer between Insights Dashboards (Coach and Insights Dashboards)?

In most dashboards within Insights, the filters you apply carry over when navigating between dashboards where the same filters are available. These filters also carry over to Insights Dashboards from your Live Reports. The first time you visit a dashboard, the ‘Team’ filter defaults to the first team in the list (in alphabetical order). This is also the default when filter selections are cleared.

However, there are a couple of exceptions:

  • Each time a user navigates to the Executive Summary Dashboard or Coach, the ‘Team’ filter defaults to ‘any value’ (all teams in a user’s Viewable Groups), regardless of the teams selected in other Insights Dashboards. This reflects the intended purpose of the Executive Summary and Coach, which is to provide a view of performance across the organization.
    • Note: If a user selects specific teams within the Executive Summary, these values do transfer to other Insights Dashboards.
  • Team selection in Insights Dashboards is not reflected in the Personal Insights Dashboard, which only displays data for one employee at a time.

Can I view more than 50 users in Insights tables?

Yes. Click on the ellipsis in the top right menu of the visualization, then select Download data.  Expand the Advanced data option then select 'As displayed in the data table' in the results section. Select 'Custom' x rows in the 'Number of rows to include' section.

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