The Team Comparison Dashboard

The Team Comparison Dashboard, an Insights feature available in select plans, allows leaders to compare key productivity and focus indicators vs. goals across teams and identify opportunities to learn from teams' best practices.

To access the Team Comparison Dashboard, navigate to Insights > Team Comparison. Watch the video below for a quick tour of the Team Comparison Dashboard and read this article for additional details.

A video overview of the Team Comparison Dashboard


Underneath the dashboard title at the top, you will see three tabs (views):

Team Comparison - Productivity Tab

Use the Productivity Tab to evaluate how teams operate relative to their peers. While the average productivity time is likely to vary across teams that perform different functions (because the scope of their roles and responsibilities vary), it can be helpful to take a holistic view of working habits across the organization to identify where support may be needed.


The Team Comparison Dashboard - Productivity Tab


Key Organization-wide Productivity Metrics

The top row of the Productivity section displays daily averages for key metrics across the organization as a whole. This provides a broader context for the performance of individual teams, shown in the Progress against Goals table below.

Progress against Goals

See which Location (Office, Remote or Office/Remote) is most productive for each team, and view key productivity metrics in relation to each team’s goals. Goals are likely to vary for each team based on work type and function. It’s helpful to look at organizational averages and goals for a broader context.

Learn more about how to set goals in Insights.

Team Comparison - Efficiency & Workload Tab

Use the Efficiency & Workload Tab to understand how teams operate relative to their peers and surface opportunities for additional support. Note: Keep in mind that teams with similar functions are likely to have more consistent metrics, yielding a more relevant comparison.

Work Efficiency

  • Key Organizational Metrics: The metrics shown above the Work Efficiency table reflect the organization as a whole. These serve as a helpful comparison for each team's metrics below.
  • Work Efficiency: Identify outliers and understand what "good" looks like by comparing teams to each other and to the organizational average.


The Team Comparison - Efficiency & Workload Tab (Work Efficiency)

Workload Balance

  • Key Organizational Metrics: The metrics shown above the Workload Balance table reflect the organization as a whole. These serve as a helpful comparison for each team's metrics below.
  • Workload Balance: Identify outliers and understand what "good" looks like by comparing teams to each other and to the organizational average. Note: To calculate each team's Avg Days Healthy, subtract the sum of % Days Overutilized and % Days Underutilized from 100%.


The Team Comparison - Efficiency & Workload Tab (Workload Balance)

Team Comparison - Side by Side Tab

Use the Side by Side Tab to compare two teams that perform similar functions. Discrepancies provide managers with opportunities to discuss different approaches to work and management strategies that yield more productive working habits.


Productivity for the Selected Team(s) vs. Comparison Team(s)

  • Productive vs. Non-Business Time Breakdown: Compare the amount of time each team spends on productive vs. unproductive activities.
  • Productivity Sessions: See the average uninterrupted duration of time spent in productive applications.
  • Top Non-Business Apps/Sites: Identify the unproductive applications/sites where team members spend the most time.

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Focus for the Selected Team vs. Comparison Team

  • Time Breakdown: See how much time each team spends on focused work, collaboration and multitasking.
  • Focused Sessions: See how long each team is able to engage in a single activity without distraction. In most roles, focus time is critical for sustained concentration, creative thinking and problem-solving.
  • Top Apps/Sites affecting Focus: Identify the applications/sites that most frequently interrupt focused work — often with real-time notifications that demand an immediate response. Although these tools are work-related, they can be detrimental to productivity if they become too much of a distraction.

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Technology Usage for Selected Team vs. Comparison Team

  • Top Categories and Applications/Sites by Allocation %: Compare where each team spends its time to identify potential misalignment or opportunities for greater efficiency. For instance, does a team with higher productivity spend significantly more or less time in a particular tool? Is one team using a tool that the other isn't, and potentially should be?

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