How to Share Personal Insights with Your Team Members

Insights (available in select plans) provide access to key workplace metrics, benchmarks, and goal-setting capabilities. In order to get the greatest value from these capabilities across the organization, leaders and managers can share the Personal Insights Dashboard with employees to help them design their days and develop habits that lead to improved work experience & well-being.

Users can also subscribe themselves and others in their organization to any Insights Dashboard to receive regular snapshots via email.

As the manager of a team, you can follow the steps below to share the Personal Insights Dashboard via email with your direct reports, even if they do not have an ActivTrak login. The only requirements are that you are an ActivTrak application user and have access to team members’ data.

How to Share Personal Insights

For app users to share Personal Insights or other Insights dashboards, the Subscriptions & Sharing setting must be enabled. This setting is enabled by default, and can be adjusted by admins via the Insights Configuration Page (Insights > Configuration > Subscriptions).

Screen Shot - Subscriptions & Sharing Toggle.png

Important Note: By enabling the Subscriptions & Sharing toggle, your company agrees that it will obtain all required consents from an employee prior to using the ActivTrak application for capturing & sharing activity data with the employee, other employees, or representatives of your company. ActivTrak's Terms of Use and Privacy Policy continue to apply.

Creating a New Subscription

1. To access team members’ Personal Insights Dashboards, click Personal Insights within the Insights section in the left app navigation.

  • The first time you navigate to this page, the dashboard will default to the first user (sorted alphabetically) within your Viewable Groups. From the 'User' filter, select the person whose Personal Insights you want to view. When you return to the Personal Insights page, the dashboard will default to the most recent filter selection.

2. Once you are in the selected user’s Personal Insights Dashboard, you can adjust the 'Day Type' filter to exclude data collected on weekends/weekdays from the dashboard reports. The subscription will reflect this filter selection. (To change the filters used in an existing subscription, you must delete the subscription and create a new one with the updated filter selections.)

3. Click on the Subscribe button located in the upper right-hand corner of the dashboard.

4. By default, the email address you use to log into the ActivTrak application will automatically populate in the 'Recipient’s Email' field. Clear it by clicking on the X mark, then enter the email address of the user you want to share with. Note: Personal Insights should only be shared with the user whose data is displayed. When creating or editing a subscription, you can expand the 'Filters' section in the subscription editor to verify the recipient.

5. Edit the subscription name by clicking in the text field to the left of the pencil icon. The subscription name will appear as the subject line of the email. Expand the 'Email Message' section to write a personalized message or use the default text.

There are two options for sharing the dashboard:

  • Click 'Send Now' to send an immediate, one-time email.
  • Configure the Recurrence, Day, and Time fields to email a snapshot of the dashboard on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.

6. Click 'Save Subscription' to complete the process. You will be taken back to the Personal Insights Dashboard.


7. To set up an email subscription for another team member, select the user’s name from the User drop-down and click the refresh button to the far right.

8. Click on the Subscribe button located in the top right corner and select Create New Subscription, then repeat steps 4-6 above. Repeat this process for each team member you'd like to subscribe. Note: Be sure to enter the correct email address for each subscription to ensure individuals receive their own data.

9. To edit existing Personal Insights subscriptions, click the Subscribe button in the upper right-hand corner of the dashboard. Click the 3 dots to the right of each subscription to edit or delete it, or click 'Send' to trigger a one-off email to the associated recipient.


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