ActivTrak's Google Looker Studio Template Setup Guide
Unlock the power of ActivConnect and access your ActivTrak data without the need for advanced SQL or BI knowledge. ActivConnect (Powered by BigQuery) leverages the native integration between Google BigQuery and Google Looker Studio (formerly called Google Data Studio) to simplify access to your data.
You’ll be able to access, analyze and visualize millions of rows of data in a simple way allowing you to leverage the tools and techniques you are already familiar with such as formulas, charts and pivot tables while maintaining the data current through scheduled refresh options.
Note: ActivConnect is available as an add-on to customers on a paid subscription plan. Learn more about ActivConnect here.
- Pre-Setup Requirements
- Validate ActivConnect credentials
- Take template ownership
- Set up data sources
- Assign productivity data to reports
- Assign application data to reports
- Personal Insights: Technology usage visual
- Environment Health
- Sharing Reports
- Scheduling Reports
- Additional Resources
Pre-Setup Requirements
- ActivTrak paid subscription plan and the ActivTrak ActivConnect Add-on. Learn more here.
- ActivConnect user name and password will be in the format of [account_number]]
Note: While this template is designed to work with all ActivTrak subscription plans, the data available for each report will vary based on your specific subscription plan type. Reports containing the Premium or Professional label on the report title indicate that the data required for those reports are only available to those license tiers.
Pages 8 - 16 contain sample data as screenshots and require a Premium or Professional ActivTrak subscription. If you have any of these subscriptions delete the sample image before completing the configuration.
Initial Setup Steps
Validate ActivConnect credentials:
NOTE: This step is only required for new customers and to validate access to ActivConnect.
- Navigate to
- Enter your [accountnumber] email address
- Enter your temporary password (you may be prompted to change it)
- Move to the next steps if you are able to log in.
Take template ownership
To protect your data, ActivConnect restricts the sharing of data outside of the domain. The steps outlined in this section will guide you through setting up permissions in a way that allows you to grant data access to anyone within your organization.
- Navigate to and ensure you are logged in under your company’s Google account.
- Starting from the ActivTrak for Looker Studio Master, make a copy of the report to take ownership of it and enable configuration and edit functions.
- Click the Share button in the upper right corner and provide Editor permissions to your ActivConnect user account. This will be in the format of Your permissions will look like the image below.
Set up data sources
- In a separate tab or incognito window, ensure you are logged in with your ActivConnect user account. This will be in the format of Then, navigate to
- Select the Shared with Me tab from the left navigation menu and open your copy of the ActivTrak for Looker Studio Master report.
- Enter Edit Mode by clicking the blue Edit button.
Click the Add Data button from the menu options
Note: This process will repeat three times, for each data type required for this report- Productivity Data
- Application Data
- Environment Health
Productivity Data:
- Select BigQuery from the list of data connectors
- Select Custom Query
- Select us-activtrak-ac-prod as the billing project
- In the Custom Query editor, copy and paste the query provided below
- Replace xxxxx with your account number. This needs to be done in Lines 10, 23 and 27.
- Click Add when done
------------------ Productivity Data Query Start --------------------
group_name AS primary_group_name,
user_name NOT IN ('SYSTEM',
AND is_primary_group IS TRUE
AND CONCAT(user_name,user_id) IN (
CONCAT(user_name, user_id)
MAX(user_id) AS user_id
1)) ) ug
`us-activtrak-ac-prod.xxxxxx.daily_user_summary` dus
ug.user_name = dus.user_name
------------------ Productivity Data Query End --------------------
Best Practice: BigQuery Custom SQL connections will be named as such, we advise renaming the data source once added in order to better identify it while configuring the rest of the report. The following steps will guide you through that process.
- Navigate to Resources > Manage added data sources
- Edit your newly-created data source. The default name for Custom SQL connections is BigQuery Custom SQL
- Double click on the connection name and give it a friendly name, in this case, we like to call this Productivity Data
Click Done and Close when complete
Repeat this process when adding additional data sources.
Application Data:
- Click the Add Data button from the menu options
- Select BigQuery from the list of data connectors
- Select My Projects and select us-activtrak-ac-prod as the billing project
- Select your account number under data sets
- Select daily_application_summary from the list of available tables
- Click Add when done
Environment Health:
- Select BigQuery from the list of data connectors
- Select Custom Query and select us-activtrak-ac-prod as the billing project
- In the Custom Query editor, copy and paste the query provided below
- Replace xxxxx with your account number. This needs to be done in Lines 13 and 15.
- Click Add when done
------------------ Health Data Query Start --------------------
MIN(DATE_DIFF(CURRENT_DATE(), app.local_date, day)) AS days_since_last_activity,
MAX(app.local_date) AS last_active_date,
WHEN MIN(DATE_DIFF(CURRENT_DATE(), app.local_date, day)) <= 15 THEN 'Healthy'
else 'Unhealthy'
AS health_status,
`us-activtrak-ac-prod.xxxxxx.daily_application_summary` AS app
`us-activtrak-ac-prod.xxxxxx.premium_computer_groups` AS comp
app.computer_id = comp.computer_id
app.local_date >= DATE_SUB(DATE(CURRENT_DATE()), INTERVAL 90 day)
------------------ Health Data Query End --------------------
Assign productivity data to reports
From the main menu navigate to File > Report Settings
- Select the Productivity Data as the data source
- Add local_date to the Date range dimension
The report setting should look like the image below.
Assign application data to reports
This process needs to be repeated for pages 3-6:
- Technology Usage
- Technology Usage - Adoption
- Technology Top Charts
- Application & Sites Usage Report
- Navigate to the desired page from the list above
- Change the individual page setting by navigating to Page > Current page settings
- Change the data source to the Application Data data source. The default name is daily_application_summary
- Repeat this process for the rest of the pages.
The page setting should look like the image below.
Personal Insights: Technology usage visual
The Personal Insights dashboard contains visualizations from multiple data sources. This will cause one of the graphs to not load properly with the default configuration. Follow these steps to correct this issue:
- Navigate to Page 13, Personal Insights
- Select the Technology Usage visual on the report.
- Change the data source to your Application Data or daily_application_summary
Environment Health
This process only applies to Page 17 - Environment Health:
- Navigate to the Environment Health Report
- Change the individual page setting by navigating to Page > Current page settings
- Change the data source to your Health Data data source
- Remove the Date Range Dimension
The current page settings should look like the screenshot below.
- Enter the View mode to start using your report.
- You also have multiple options to start sharing the content across your organization.
You can now revert to the original Google account for continued access and analysis of the data.
Sharing Reports
- Click the Share button to open the sharing menu
- Select the Gear icon in the top left corner to define access levels to download and print
- Once you complete your desired configuration, add the individuals you want to share the report with and their appropriate permissions.
Scheduling Reports
To configure a scheduled delivery of a report, click on the drop-down arrow next to the view/share tab and select Schedule email delivery, as shown in the image below.
- Add the recipient's email address(es) and define your desired settings for Pages, Start Time, Repeat (frequency) and Message as shown in the image below.
Click Schedule when finished.
Learn more:
- ActivConnect Overview
- ActivConnect Data Glossary
- Additional ActivConnect, Integrations and Add-on guides
- Contact ActivTrak Support
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