Release Notes: New Active Time Settings

Admins can now set the maximum time any single activity can report with ActivTrak’s new Active Time Settings to prevent over-reporting from occasional system issues, lock screen anomalies, or third-party app interactions.

Why Active Time Settings?

It's highly unusual for an employee to spend more than 60 minutes on the same activity without switching or taking a break. But sometimes, computer glitches or other factors might cause ActivTrak to capture productivity data that doesn’t represent legitimate user activity.

For example, sometimes employees use mouse jigglers or other activity-mimicking tools to make it look like they're working when they're not. This can lead to hours of false activity that skew your reports and productivity metrics.  The Active Time Setting helps prevent this. When set to a maximum of 60 minutes, ActivTrak will instead log only 60 minutes in your Activity Log. So even if a mouse jiggler was active for 8 hours and 22 minutes, just 60 minutes of activity will be reflected in all reports and dashboards.


The New Active Time Settings

Configuring Active Time Settings

The Active Time Setting defaults to 60 minutes but can be configured to any number between 30 and 120 minutes. To adjust your account’s Active Time maximum time threshold, navigate to Settings > Account Configuration and scroll to “Active Time Settings”. Update the time in minutes and click “Save” to apply changes. 

If you do not want active activity durations to be capped or want to maintain the legacy behavior, toggle on “Track active time indefinitely” and click “Save” to apply changes.

Changes take effect within 10 minutes and apply to all new activities. Changes to Active Time Settings are not applied retroactively.

NOTE: Passive Time Settings were not altered with this update. Passive activity durations can already be capped via Passive Time Settings in the Account Configuration Page (Settings > Account Configuration).

Learn more here or contact Support for assistance.

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