Essential Steps for Getting Started as an MSP

These eight (8) steps will help you succeed as an ActivTrak MSP Partner. 

Step 1: Review the MSP program with the program manager.

Step 2: Set up new Accounts in Command Center as an MSP.

  • Email with customer details (company name, website URL, and the email used during creation) when you start a new customer trial.

Step 3: Review the Getting Started Checklist.

If you have new devices you want to monitor, here's how-to:

Step 4: Set up Alarms.

Use Custom Alarms to track activities that matter most to you.

  • Learn how and when to take real-time Screenshots and Videos
  • Detect and capture USB and Cloud Storage Activity
  • Get notified of changes to your ActivTrak instance through Security Audit alarms

Step 5: Enable external notifications via Webhooks.

Use webhooks to connect ActivTrak with third-party applications.


Step 6: Get familiar with monthly billing.

  • ActivTrak initiates billing when you activate each end user subscription
  • Your first bill is based on the number of licenses requested as the initial user count
  • Additional monthly bills are generated based on actual usage and include your monthly program costs (NFR licenses) plus aggregate customer usage across all deployments
  • ActivTrak bills participating MSPs with a monthly consolidated bill

Step 7: Bookmark these important ActivTrak pages.

Step 8: Save these important contacts.

  • MSP Partner inquiries:
  • Dedicated MSP Partner support:

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