The Top Users & Groups Report

Identify top performers and understand if teams and individuals are working as expected with real-time visibility into productivity data and a detailed breakdown of time spent in productive and unproductive activities throughout the work day with The Top Users and Groups Report, available in all ActivTrak plans*.

To access the Top Users and Groups Report, navigate to Live Reports > Top Users and Groups, or click here.

Tip: Add The Top Users and Groups Report to your Favorites for quick access.

*The Location and Offline Meetings column options are only available with select plans. Contact to trial these features, get a demo or upgrade your plan. 

Image 5-10-24 at 10.05 AM.jpeg

The Top Users and Groups Report (Professional and Legacy Premium Plans)

Filter Settings

Like other Live Reports in ActivTrak, the Top Users and Groups Report can be filtered by user, group, and time period using the drop-down filter menu options at the top of the report. Click the "Refresh" button after making your selections to ensure they are applied.

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Summary View - Users

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Detailed View - Users

NOTE: The Offline Meetings & Location columns (if enabled) will not show data for the current day because they are powered by Insights and Insights are refreshed once daily. Learn more about how Insights work here.

User Details

The User Details graph displays an aggregate of the selected user's activities for each day included in the filter at the top of the report. It assigns each interval a productivity category based on the activity the user spent the most time in within the selected time interval. For this reason, the graph represents a high-level look at the day only, and will never exactly match the calculations at the top of the report.


5-minute intervals are the default, but the Interval selection dropdown allows 15 min, 30 min, 1 hour or 2 hours (although the larger your interval selection, the less accurate it will be).

For example, a user may have spent 3 minutes inside Slack (Productive) and 2 minutes on Youtube (Unproductive). However, since most of the 5-minute interval period was spent in a productive activity, the interval will appear as productive.

With Strict Mode enabled (select the checkbox above the interval chart), any time interval that includes unproductive activity will be marked as purple, regardless of the amount of time spent in that unproductive activity. Similarly, any time interval that includes Passive Time will be marked as the lighter variation of its corresponding color if you have Detailed View selected in the upper right of the report.

To display more data days at a time and skip weekends, for example, select the checkbox to Hide empty days.

Use the dropdown to choose whether to show 5, 7, 10 or 14 days at a time, and click the arrows or page numbers to move through large ranges of time.

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