Insights Data Glossary

ActivTrak Insights contains dashboards and features that optimize productivity, employee experience, business operations and outcomes. See below for a glossary of terms found throughout Insights.

Dashboard Metrics

External Definition





Individuals managed through ActivTrak (ActivTrak agent configured in user's computer)

Active Users

Users with activity reported during the selected date range

Inactive Users

# of all time users minus # of users with reported activity in the selected date range.

Total Time Hrs/Day

Average amount of time reported by end user's computer (screen time)

Active Hrs/Day

Average amount of time reported by end user's computer (screen time) excluding Passive Time

Learn more about Passive Time settings.

Days since Last Activity

# of days since last activity reported by the ActivTrak agent

Days with Activity

# of days with activity reported by the ActivTrak agent

Allocation %

Duration of an activity as a percent of total time




Productive Hrs/Day

Productive Hrs/Day is the average amount of time a user is engaged in Productive-classified applications or sites. This value includes Active and Passive time.

Learn more about productivity classification in this article.

Active Time

Time a user spends actively engaging with their device, based on keyboard or mouse activity.

Active time is classified as Productive or Unproductive, depending on the classification status of the application or website a user is engaging with.

Passive Time

Time when a user is not actively engaging with their device, based on keyboard or mouse activity. By default, Passive Time begins when a user has been inactive for 2 minutes. Admins can configure this time threshold to meet their organization's needs.

Passive time is classified as Productive or Unproductive, depending on the classification status of the application or website a user is engaging with.

Active Day

Any day in which a user meets the minimum threshold for productive time (this threshold can be adjusted on the 'Insights Configuration' page within the Insights tab). ActivTrak recommends setting the minimum threshold to 2 hours of productive time.

Active days are used to calculate averages (hours of total time ÷ number of active days in a given time period). On days when a user does not meet the active day threshold, all of their activity will still be logged and will appear in ActivTrak reports, but the day will not be factored into the calculation of average metrics.

Productivity Efficiency %

Productive Efficiency is the percentage of productive time in relationship to the Total Time

Productive Session (mins)

Productivity Sessions reflect the average time users operate without unproductive disruption. This is calculated by counting the number of non-business activities per total hours


Count of uninterrupted productive time sessions.

Productive (Active) Hrs/Day

Average amount of time spent actively engaged with applications or sites classified as Productive

Productive (Passive) Hrs/Day

Average amount of time spent in Productive

Offline Meetings

Offline activity data from employees’ calendars (sourced via the Outlook calendar or Google calendar integrations).

When employees aren’t online, the calendar serves as an additional data source, filling in the “blank spaces” in digital activity with time spent in Offline Meetings. Learn more.

Non-Business Time (hrs)

Non-Business Time (hrs) reflects the total duration in hours in which an employee is engaging in non-productive or undefined activities

Non-Business Activities

Activities not associated with business (active or passive) time work

Non-Business Activities

Non-Business Activities is calculated by counting the number of times a user is engaging in non-productive or undefined classified activities

Unproductive Hrs/Day

Average amount of time in Unproductive classified applications or sites

Undefined Hrs/Day

Undefined is used for applications or sites that haven't been classified as Productive or Unproductive. Undefined Hrs/Day is the average amount of time a user spends in unclassified activities

Undefined (Passive) Hrs/Day

Average amount of time in unclassified applications or sites excluding Active Time

Undefined (Active) Hrs/Day

Average amount of time in unclassified applications or sites excluding Passive Time

Unproductive (Passive) Hrs/Day

Average amount of time in Unproductive classified applications or sites excluding Active Time

Unproductive (Active) Hrs/Day

Average amount of time in Unproductive classified applications or sites excluding Passive Time

Non-Business Hrs/Day

Non-Business Hours/Day reflects the average hours a day in which an employee is engaging in non-productive or undefined activities

Learn more about activity classification here.

Team's Top Quartile Average

This value represents the average Productive Hrs/Day for the highest 25% users in a team

Team Average

Team Average numbers are reflected in the same manner as the top quartile-- showcasing average numbers across various periods of time including an all-time average

Goal Productive Hrs/Day

Goal set for productive hours per day. Configurable by team in Benchmarks and Goals page

Default value: 6.0 hrs

vs. Goal Productive Hrs/Day

Reflects the difference between the achieved productive hrs/day by a team or user and the productive hrs/day goal set by a manager


Collaboration is considered the working time in which an employee is engaged with others to coach, assign, and align and brainstorm, socialize, and problem solve. these activities are usually done through "Chat & Messaging" or "Meeting Software".

Collaboration Hrs/Day

The average amount of time a user spends on collaboration related activities - "Chat & Messaging" or "Meeting Software"

Collaboration Time (hrs)

Total duration in hours of collaboration related activities "Chat & Messaging" or "Meeting Software"

Coach - Low Efficiency

Provides the list of members with low efficiency missing their productive time goals or members hitting productive time goals but with additional screen time than recommended




Focus Definition

Working time in which an employee is engaged and working on a single task without multitasking (interruptions or attention shifts) and collaboration activities

Focused Hrs/Day

Average time spent without multitasking (interruptions or attention shifts) and collaboration activities

Focused Session (mins)

Focus Session reflects the average time employees operate without multitasking (interruptions or attention shifts) and collaboration activities. 


Count of uninterrupted focused time sessions.

Focus Efficiency %

Focus Efficiency is the percentage of focused time in relationship to Total Time

Collaboration Time

Productive time that occurs through two-way communication using digital collaboration tools like meeting software, chat and messaging. Collaboration Time, by definition, is not focused, even though it is critical in every company.

Also, you will be able to configure the categories that roll up to collaboration, which can be updated in the Insights > Configuration page.

Collaboration Hrs/Day

Average amount of time spent in collaboration activities

Attention Shifts

An Attention Shift represents the number of occurrences in which a user exceeds the maximum threshold set for switching between productive applications / sites or screens within a minute

Note:A switch from a productive to unproductive activity will also count as an attention shift in the first occurrence

This threshold is configurable in the Insights > Configuration page.

Example based on distinct Application / Site: (switch between Email to PowerPoint to Slack within one minute).

Example based on distinct Screens: (open 4+ unique powerpoint presentations or 5+ unique word documents within 1 minute)

Default thresholds:

Application / Sites = 2

Screen Views = 4

Multitasking Time (hrs)

Multitasking activity performed within productive applications; consists of general administrative business tasks while an attention shift event is happening.

Note: Each Attention Shift event captures the time of these activities for the next 3 minutes (attention residue), capping the last activity to 60 seconds max. Excludes activities classified as "Chat & Messaging" or "Meeting Software".

See Attention Shifts for more details.

Multitasking Hrs/Day

Average amount of time spent in attention shifts


Multitasking activity performed within productive applications; consists of general administrative business tasks while an attention shift event is happening. Each Attention Shift event captures the time of these activities for the next 3 minutes (attention residue), capping the last activity to 60 seconds max. Excludes activities classified as "Chat & Messaging" or "Meeting Software".

See Attention Shifts for more details.

Team's Top Quartile Average

This value represents the average Focused Hrs/Day for the highest 25% users in a team

Team Average

Team Average numbers are reflected in the same manner as the top quartile-- showcasing average numbers across various periods of time including an all-time average

Goal Focused Hrs/Day

Goal set for focused hours per day. Configurable by team in Benchmarks and Goals page

Default value: 3.0 hrs

vs. Goal Focused Hrs/Day

Reflects the difference between the achieved focused hrs/day by a team or user and the productive hrs/day goal set by a manager

Coach - Low Focus

Provides the list of members not meeting focused time goals due to time spent on collaboration or multitasking activities

Workload Balance



Utilization Level

Utilization level is a measure of employee engagement and well-being. Users are labeled as Healthy, Overutilized, or Underutilized based on their average Productive Hrs/Day relative to the Productive Hrs/Day Goal set for their team. 30% is the default utilization level threshold, but it can be adjusted at the account level via the Insights Configuration Page (Insights > Configuration > Metrics). Learn more here.

Using the 30% default threshold:

  • Healthy: Productive Hrs/Day are within 30% (+/-) of the Productive Hrs/Day Goal
  • Overutilized: Productive Hrs/Day are at least 31% higher than the Productive Hrs/Day Goal
  • Underutilized: Productive Hrs/Day are at least 31% lower than the Productive Hrs/Day Goal


This is the lower bound threshold to determine underutilization. Calculated as the Utilization Threshold % below the Productive Hours per Day Goal


This is the upper bound threshold to determine overutilization. Calculated as the Utilization Threshold % above the Productive Hours per Day Goal

Days Overutilized

Number of days where users worked in the overutilization zone

Days Healthy

Number of days where users worked in the healthy zone

Days Underutilized

Number of days where users worked in the underutilized zone


This number reveals the average number of breaks (time away from the computer) team members are taking throughout the day. By default a break begins when a user's computer is inactive for more than 5 minutes. If you have adjusted your Passive Stop setting under Settings > Account Configuration to something other than 5, breaks will start after that number instead. If you have passive time set to track indefinitely, breaks will only be registered when the users lock their computers or log off.


This number reveals the average length of users' breaks (time away from the computer) in minutes. Break duration is capped at 2 hours.

Start of Day

Avg Start of Day per user per day based on the first reported computer activity

End of Day

Avg End of Day per user per day based on the last reported computer activity

Coach - High Utilization

Team members in the High Utilization list are working significantly longer than their productive time goals or are not taking enough break time (see Suggested Break Time in this Glossary).

Suggested Break Time (mins/day)

We recommend taking 10 minutes of break time for every 1 hour of productive time per day.

Ex. 6 hours of productive time = 60 minutes (1 hour) of suggested break time.

Suggested Break Time is factored into calculations to identify over-/under-utilized users.

Team Workload

Overall health of each team, based on the percentage of overutilized, underutilized, and healthy team members during a selected time period. Workload levels are defined as follows:

  • High: At least 50% of team members are overutilized
  • Optimal: At least 70% of team members are healthy
  • Low: At least 50% of team members are underutilized
  • Varied: Distribution of healthy, overutilized, and underutilized team members is varied and does not fall into any of the above categories

% of Expected Days Worked

The number of days you define that employees are expected to work after accounting for holidays, vacations and sick days. For example, there are 260 weekdays in a calendar year. If you assume the average employee works 224 of those days:

  • 10 company holidays + 3 summer days + 15 vacation days + 8 sick days = 36 days off
  • The % Expected Days Worked = 86%

By default, % Expected Days worked is set to 85%. Users can select from a range of 70-95% in 5% increments.

Expected Total Productive Hrs

This is based on the Productive Hrs Goal x the Expected Days Worked.

User Capacity

This is the total number of productive hours worked as a percentage of Expected Productive Hours

  • Over Capacity: >120% 
  • At Capacity: 80%-120% 
  • Capacity Available: <80%




In the Location Insights Dashboard, users’ location is labeled ‘Office’ when they spend  ≥ 80% of the day in-office (co-located with multiple people from the same organization or on an IP address that has been manually labeled ‘Office’).


In the Location Insights Dashboard, users’ location is labeled ‘Remote’ when they spend ≥ 80% of the day remote (not co-located with other employees or on an IP address that has been manually labeled ‘Office’).


A combination of time spent in-office and remote, with < 80% of the day spent in either location.


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