ActivConnect Data Glossary
ActivConnect API allows you to access your ActivTrak data in hundreds of external applications.
Click on a view type below to see an alphabetized list of the different data fields found within each ActivConnect view including the data type, a short description and which subscription plan(s) include them.
column_name |
data_type |
Plans |
Description |
accountid | INT64 |
The ActivTrak account number |
active_day_count | INT64 |
Active Days are days where a user has met the minimum number of productive hours per day for it to be considered a work day. Active Days are used to calculate averages, such as average productive hours per day- when a user's productive hours are divided by the number of Active Days in a given time period. |
activity_type | STRING |
There are three main activity type classifications ''Application', 'Site', and 'Search' |
activity_week | DATE |
The first day of the week |
application | STRING |
The cleaned executable name |
application_or_site | STRING |
A combination of Application and Site objects Note: Different from Application_Site, this column displays only the Site details for web applications |
browser_site | STRING |
Applications with site or URL content ex: Google Chrome( |
category | STRING |
The activity category classified in the ActivTrak application. Ex: Business Tools, Social Media. Learn more about activity categories here |
computer_id | INT64 |
Computer ID |
day_of_week | STRING |
Sunday - Saturday |
day_type | STRING |
Weekend / Weekday |
duration_seconds | INT64 |
The activity duration in seconds |
executable | STRING |
The name of the application running, usually in its raw format. Ex: Slack.exe |
first_activity_datetime | DATETIME |
Start of Day per user based on the first reported computer activity |
host | STRING |
The extracted domain or domain with subdomain URL format. |
local_date | DATE |
Date only with Time Zone conversion |
passive_type_id | INT64 |
Identifies some subtypes of a passive status, like passive locked. Used to set a 0 duration seconds for activities that were deemed to be different from regular passive activities |
productivity | STRING |
There are three productivity classifications: Productive Unproductive Undefined |
user_id | INT64 |
ActivTrak User ID |
user_name | STRING |
If a user alias was defined in ActivTrak, this field will populate the user alias record. If not, a user record will be shown, matching the behavior in the ActivTrak app. Learn more about user alias' here |
website | STRING |
There are three activity type classifications: application site search |
column_name |
data_type |
Plans |
Description |
accountid | INT64 |
The ActivTrak account number |
active_day_count | INT64 |
Active Days are days where a user has met the minimum number of productive hours per day for it to be considered a work day. Active Days are used to calculate averages, such as average productive hours per day, when a user's productive hours are divided by the number of Active Days in a given time period. |
active_duration_seconds | INT64 |
The amount of time reported by the end user's computer (screen time) excluding Passive Time. Learn more about passive time settings here. |
activity_week | DATE |
The first day of the week |
attention_shift_activity_count | INT64 |
An Attention Shift represents the number of occurrences in which a user exceeds the maximum threshold set for switching between productive applications/sites or screens within a minute Note: A switch from a productive to unproductive activity will also count as an attention shift in the first occurrence. Example based on distinct application/site: Switching between Email and PowerPoint and Slack within one minute. Example based on distinct screens: Opening 4+ unique PowerPoint presentations or 5+ unique Word documents within 1 minute Default thresholds: Application / Sites = 2 Screen Views = 4 The threshold is configurable in Analytics > Settings Page |
break_count | INT64 |
The number of breaks (off-screen time) a user is taking throughout the day. This is calculated by counting the number of times a user's computer is inactive for more than 5 consecutive minutes |
break_duration_seconds | INT64 |
The break time (off-screen time) in seconds throughout the day |
collaboration_activity_count | INT64 |
The number of collaboration activity occurrences per user per day |
collaboration_duration_seconds | INT64 |
Collaboration is considered the working time in which an employee is engaged with others to coach, assign, align, brainstorm, socialize, and problem-solve. These activities are usually performed through Chat & Messaging or Meeting Software |
day_of_week | STRING |
Sunday - Saturday |
day_type | STRING |
Weekend / Weekday |
first_activity_datetime | DATETIME |
The start of the day per user based on the first reported computer activity |
first_activity_minutes_in_day | INT64 |
The start of the day in INTEGER format per user based on the first reported computer activity |
focused_duration_seconds | INT64 |
Working time in which an employee is engaged and working on a single task for an extended period of time without disruption or completing multi-tasking activities (also called attention shifts) |
focused_session_count | INT64 |
A count of uninterrupted focused time sessions Note: An uninterrupted focus session is defined as any continuous series of logs on a single task that are not less than one minute |
focused_session_duration_seconds | INT64 |
Focused Session Duration Seconds reflects the total amount of time employees operate without distractions or multitasking. It is calculated by adding up the time of each focused session |
last_activity_datetime | DATETIME |
The end of day per user based on the last reported computer activity |
last_activity_minutes_in_day | INT64 |
The end of day in INTEGER format per user based on the last reported computer activity. |
local_date | DATE |
Date only with Time Zone conversion |
location | STRING |
Location is based on where a user spends the majority of their time each day by looking at the anonymized “network signature” (public IP address + unique WiFi identifiers) where an activity takes place There are three location categories Remote Office Office/Remote Learn more about Location here |
multitasking_duration_seconds | INT64 |
Multi-tasking activity performed within productive applications consists of general administrative business tasks while an attention shift event is happening Note: Each Attention Shift event captures the time of these activities for the next 3 minutes (attention residue), capping the last activity to 60 seconds max. Excludes: Activities classified as Chat & Messaging or Meeting Software. See Attention Shifts for more details. |
non_business_activity_count | INT64 |
The number of occurrences per user per day of non-business activities (unproductive and undefined) |
non_business_activity_duration_seconds | INT64 |
Non-Business Hours/Day reflects the average hours in a day in which an employee is engaging in unproductive or undefined activities Learn more about activity classification here. |
INT64 |
Offline Meeting time is when an employee is not online, qualifying activity from an employee's calendar is used as an additional data source to fill in the "blank spaces" in digital activity with time spent in meetings. (Note: The calendar integration must be enabled.) |
productive_active_duration_seconds | INT64 |
The amount of time in applications classified as Productive or sites excluding Passive Time |
productive_activity_count | INT64 |
The number of productive activity occurrences per user per day |
productive_passive_duration_seconds | INT64 |
The amount of time in applications classified as Productive or sites excluding Active Time |
productive_session_count | INT64 |
A count of uninterrupted productive time sessions. Note: An uninterrupted productive session is defined as any continuous series of logs in Productive Applications or Sites that are not less than 1 minute |
productive_session_duration_seconds | INT64 |
Productivity Sessions Duration Seconds reflect the total amount of time users operate without unproductive disruption This is calculated by adding up the time of each productive session |
total_activity_count | INT64 |
The total activity count per user per day across all productivity classifications |
total_duration_seconds | INT64 |
The amount of time reported by the end user's computer (Active and Passive) (screen time). |
undefined_active_duration_seconds | INT64 |
Undefined is used for applications or sites that haven't been classified as Productive or Unproductive. This field displays the amount of time in unclassified activities excluding Passive Time |
undefined_activity_count | INT64 |
The number of undefined activity occurrences per user per day |
undefined_passive_duration_seconds | INT64 |
Undefined is used for applications or sites that haven't been classified as Productive or Unproductive. This field displays the amount of time spent in unclassified activities excluding Passive Time |
unproductive_active_duration_seconds | INT64 |
The amount of time spent in Unproductive applications or sites excluding Active Time |
unproductive_activity_count | INT64 |
The number of unproductive activity occurrences per user per day |
unproductive_passive_duration_seconds | INT64 |
The amount of time spent in Unproductive applications or sites excluding Passive Time |
user_focus_goal | NUMERIC |
The goal set for focused hours per day. Default value: 3.0 hrs The default value can be customized by team in Insights > Benchmarks and Goals Learn more about benchmarks and goals here |
user_id | INT64 |
ActivTrak User ID |
user_name | STRING |
If a user alias was defined in ActivTrak, this field will populate the user alias record. Otherwise a user record will be shown, matching the behavior in the ActivTrak app. Learn more about user alias' here |
user_productivity_goal | NUMERIC |
The goal set for productive hours per day. Default value: 6.0 hrs The default value can be customized by team in Insights > Benchmarks and Goals Learn more about benchmarks and goals here |
utilization_level | STRING |
A measure of employee engagement and wellbeing. Users are labeled as Healthy, Overutilized or Underutilized based on their average Productive Hrs/Day relative to the Productive Hrs/Day Goal set for their team:
column_name |
data_type |
Plans |
Description |
accountid | INT64 |
The ActivTrak account number |
active_state | STRING |
A user's activity level:
Learn more about passive time settings here. |
activity_type | STRING |
There are three main activity type classifications Application Site Search |
activity_week | DATE |
The first day of the week |
alarm_action | STRING |
An additional column to 'Alarms_Triggered', it's categorized with the type of alarm action configured Ex: 'Email', 'Popup', 'Screenshot', 'Terminate', 'Webhook' Learn more about alarm actions here |
alarm_email_action | INT64 |
Activity with email triggered from configured alarm actions |
alarm_popup_action | INT64 |
Activity with pop triggered from configured alarm actions |
alarm_screenshot_action | INT64 |
Activity with screenshot triggered from configured alarm actions |
alarm_terminate_action | INT64 |
Activity with terminate action triggered from configured alarm actions |
alarm_webhook_action | INT64 |
Activity with webhook action triggered from configured alarm actions Learn more about alarm actions here |
alarms_triggered | INT64 |
1 or 0 value: Events associated with alarms will return a 1 |
app_site_approval_status | STRING |
Application / Site approval status based on its productivity classification Unapproved = Uncategorized and/or Undefined Approved = Categorized and defined |
application | STRING |
The cleaned executable name |
application_or_site | STRING |
Note: Different from Application_Site, this column displays only the Site details for web applications |
browser_site | STRING |
Applications with site or URL content Ex: Google Chrome( |
category | STRING |
The activity category classified in the ActivTrak application Ex: Business Tools, Social Media. Learn more about activity categories here |
clean_url | STRING |
The URL strings after 'https://', 'http://' and "www." |
computer_id | INT64 |
Computer ID |
computer_name | STRING |
The managed computer name |
dataset_version | STRING |
The version number of the table schema so you can easily track any new field changes |
day_of_week | STRING |
Sunday - Saturday |
day_type | STRING |
Weekend / Weekday |
device_ip | STRING |
Managed device LAN IP |
duration_sec | INT64 |
Activity duration in seconds |
executable | STRING |
The name of the app running, usually in its raw format. Ex: Slack.exe |
full_url | STRING |
The full unfiltered URL |
local_date | DATE |
Date only with Time Zone conversion |
local_datetime | DATETIME |
Time converted based on configured application Time Zone |
local_time | TIME |
Time only with Time Zone conversion |
logon_domain | STRING |
Active Directory domain-attached computers will show the domain name here. If not attached to a domain, the computername will be shown based on the operating system. Mac devices usually show computername and Google Chrome will not show anything. |
period_of_day | STRING |
Day period classification: Morning, Afternoon, Night & Overnight values |
potential_file_transfer | BOOL |
Flags activities involving the following objects: OneDrive, DropBox, FTP, SFTP, and USB file transfer activities |
primary_domain | STRING |
Often the same as the local system name, though not always. If the computer is attached to an Active Directory domain, that domain name will show up here based on the operating system. If not, it's typical for Windows machines to use "WORKGROUPS", Chrome to use "Google". Mac devices typically don't show anything related to the primary domain. |
productivity | STRING |
There are 3 productivity classifications: Productive Unproductive Undefined |
productivity_state | STRING |
A combination of 'productivity' and 'active_state'. :
public_ip | STRING |
Managed device WAN IP |
search_term | STRING |
Displays the entered search term by a user in search-related activities. |
site | STRING |
The extracted domain or domain with subdomain URL format |
timezoneid | INT64 |
Internal ID representing a timezone |
timezonestring | STRING |
The actual timezone string, Ex: “US/Central” |
titlebar | STRING |
The name of the title bar of the active window |
user | STRING |
Friendly user name. E.g. First Last. Comes from the operating system. |
user_alias | STRING |
Comes from ActivTrak, not the operating system. User Aliases are used to combine multiple user logins in ActivTrak graphs and reports as well as provide a "friendly name" in case the "userraw" and "user" fields are ambiguous Learn more about user alias' here |
user_id | INT64 |
The ActivTrak User ID |
user_name | STRING |
Simple login name. Often first initial, last name. Comes from the operating system |
username | STRING |
Simple login name. Often first initial, last name. Comes from the operating system |
utc_timestamp | TIMESTAMP |
System activity DateTime in UTC time zone |
week_of_year | INT64 |
Week number in the year |
For additional assistance with ActivConnect, please reach out to ActivTrak Support.
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