User Roles & Permissions in ActivTrak

By default, the email used to create your ActivTrak account will be assigned an Admin role.

Admins can invite new users into your ActivTrak account and must assign a user role to each user to determine appropriate app access and permissions. The four user roles in Activtrak are Admin, Configurator, Power User and Viewer.

Each user role comes with a default set of permissions that can be customized. It’s important to configure your account user roles appropriately to maintain employee privacy and limit access to account settings. 

As access needs change, Admins can update user role assignments accordingly.

Note: Alternative methods are available for stakeholders across your organization to view and utilize ActivTrak's valuable workforce data insights without direct access to the ActivTrak app. They include Insights email subscriptions (available in select plans) and integration with external applications like BI tools (available with the ActivConnect API add-on).

Learn more about:

The Four User Roles in ActivTrak

There are four user roles within your ActivTrak account:

  • Admin
  • Configurator
  • Power User
  • Viewer

While you can configure and assign these roles to meet your organization’s unique needs, the information below provides an overview of the default permissions of each as well as guidelines to help you determine the appropriate role for various users of your account.

1. Admin

Admins administer your entire ActivTrak account without necessarily consuming its data and insights.

Note: Admins have access to all users in the account.

  • Best for: IT or other trusted account owner.
  • Key function(s): Oversee and manage the entire ActivTrak account, invite and remove users, assign user roles, manage groups, configure settings, manage alarms and classify activities.
  • Limitations: None.

2. Configurator

The Configurator role is ideal for business administrators and HR who need the ability to create and manage groups that map to teams, assign activity classifications (productive, unproductive, collaborative), and access workforce insights to improve business outcomes.

Note: Configurators have access to all users in the account.

  • Best for: Business administrators, department heads and HR.
  • Key function(s): View data for all users and groups, create and manage groups, and manage activity classification and alarms.
  • Limitations: Unable to provide app access to new users, assign or change user roles, install or delete Agents, or upgrade/add licenses to the account.

3. Power User

The Power User role is ideal for team managers and executives who need insight into team-wide or organization-wide productivity and work habits but do not need to configure groups or account settings.

  • Best for: Mid-level team managers, executives and analytics teams.
  • Key function(s): View data for themselves and team members at a high level with the ability to drill down into specific activities.
  • Limitations: Unable to see the data of users on other organizations or teams, manage users or groups or manage any account settings.

4. Viewer

The Viewer role is ideal for people managers and individual contributors who can benefit from understanding their own work habits (and those of their teammates) as well as assess progress toward goals. Note: Most organizations do not add individual contributors as app users, but instead subscribe them to their Personal Insights report.

  • Best for: People managers
  • Key function(s): Can view high-level data for themselves and team members.
  • Limitations: Unable to see the data of users on other organizations or teams or manage users or groups. They also cannot drill down into the details of activities or access any account settings.

Default User Role Settings

*Limited to a user's viewable groups

  Admin Configurator Power User Viewer
Account Configuration YES NO NO NO
Security Audit YES NO NO NO
Classification YES YES NO NO
App Access YES NO NO NO
Role Access YES NO NO NO
ActivTrak Profile YES YES YES YES
Upgrade Plan YES NO NO NO
Support Tickets YES YES YES NO
Alarm Configuration YES YES READ-ONLY NO
(Available with the Screen Details Add-on)
Notifications YES YES READ-ONLY NO
User Agents YES NO NO NO
User Aliases YES NO NO NO
Computer Aliases YES NO NO NO
Do Not Track YES NO NO NO
Scheduling  YES NO NO NO
Admin Panel YES YES NO NO
Organization Overview YES YES * *
Team Management
(Available in select plans)
Activity Dashboard YES YES * *
Team Pulse YES YES * *
Top Users YES YES   *
Productivity YES YES   *
Working Hours YES YES   *
Top Websites YES YES   *
Top Applications YES YES   *
Top Categories YES YES   * NO
Activity Log YES YES   YES NO 
INSIGHTS (Available in select plans)
Coach YES YES * *
Executive Summary  YES YES 
Team Comparison  YES YES  *
Location Insights  YES YES  NO  NO 
Activity Breakdown  YES YES 
Work Efficiency  YES YES 
Workload Balance  YES YES 
Technology Usage  YES YES 
Benchmarks & Goals  YES YES 
Personal Insights  YES YES 
Email Subscriptions  YES YES  NO   NO
Insights Configuration  YES YES  NO  NO 
Impact Analysis YES YES NO NO
Integrations YES YES YES NO
Latest Updates (In-app) YES YES YES NO
Weekly Digest (Email) YES YES NO NO
Help Center (Web) YES YES YES YES
ActivTrak Academy (Web) YES YES YES YES
Resource Center (Web) YES YES YES YES

Customizing user roles & permissions

Before inviting new users to your account, it's important to ensure that each user role allows the appropriate level of access based on your organization’s unique needs.

To view and configure the permissions assigned to each role, Admins can visit the Role Access page (Settings > Access > Role Access). 

From here, they can customize permissions for each role.

  • To grant access: Select individual dashboards and features. A green checkmark will appear, confirming your selection(s).
  • To remove access: Deselect individual dashboards and features. An empty checkbox will appear. 


The Role Access page in ActivTrak

Changes made to user role permissions will immediately take effect for all users assigned to a given role as well as users you invite to the account going forward. If a user is logged into the ActivTrak app when role access settings are changed, the new settings will not be reflected until the user’s next log in. 

Note: Any Role Access configuration changes made to the ‘Admin’ role will apply to all Admins on an account, and changes made via Role Access won’t be reflected until each Admin logs out and back in. Any report or feature that is blocked for a particular role will not appear in the app navigation or in the Dashboard (if applicable). For example, if Team Pulse is blocked for the Power User role, Power Users will not see the Team Pulse tab in the navigation, nor will they see the Team Pulse widget in the Activity Dashboard.

Note: While Power Users and Viewers will have access to any pages you choose, the dashboards and reports they view will only display data for their Viewable Groups.

Some default settings cannot be overwritten:

  • Configurators can only be given limited access to Settings. Selecting the ‘Settings’ checkbox for the Configurator role enables access to the following tabs:
    • Classification
    • Access > ActivTrak Profile, Weekly Digest
    • Users & Groups > Groups
    • Blocking
    • Scheduling
    • Time Zone
  • Power Users & Viewers cannot be given access to Settings.
  • Viewers can only be given limited access to Team Pulse. Selecting the 'Team Pulse' checkbox for the Viewer role will not give them access to the Screen View tab.
  • Alarms access is limited to Read-Only for Power Users, and cannot be given to Viewers

NOTE: If you make changes and wish to revert back to the default settings of each user role, click ‘Reset to Default’ in the upper right-hand corner of the Role Access page. (See the Default user role settings matrix for a detailed breakdown of the default settings of each role).

Date filter options

If you scroll down further on the Role Access page, you will find the Date Filter Options table. Here, you can select the date filters available to users when filtering Live Reports. (Note: Date filter options do not apply to Insights dashboards, Coach or Impact Analysis.) Available options include:

  • One Day
  • One Week
  • One Month
  • One Year
  • Custom Range

Limiting filter options to shorter timeframes ensures faster load times.


The Date Filter Options table in the Role Access page

Inviting & Managing Users

To invite and manage users, visit the App Access page (Settings > Access > App Access).


The App Access page

Here, Admins can:

  • Invite new users to the account
  • Assign user roles for new users
  • Change user roles for existing users
  • View and assign viewable groups (the groups whose data a user can see)
  • Delete users
  • Change users' passwords

Invite a new user

Click 'Add New ActivTrak ID' in the upper left-hand corner of the App Access page to invite a new user to your account. Enter the user's name and email address, then select the user role you want to assign to that user from the dropdown options in the "Role" column. You can also change a user role at any time by selecting a new option here.

View and assign viewable groups

To view or assign Viewable Groups, find a user's name in the App Access table and click the value that appears under 'Viewable Groups' in that row. Then select the groups that the user can view and/or set goals for (as shown in the screenshot below). Note: Goal-setting only applies to accounts with Insights enabled).


Viewable groups configuration

While Admins and Configurators can view data for all groups by default, Power Users and Viewers can only see their Viewable Groups' data.

Selecting All Users and Groups (current & future) gives a user access to all existing groups as well as groups created at a later date.

Note: Users assigned a Power User or Viewer role will not see data populated in the account until they have been assigned at least one Viewable Group. For information on creating and managing Groups, click here 

Delete users or change a user's password

To delete a user or change a user's password, click the 3 dot menu in the far-right column of the row corresponding to a user.


Select "Delete" to delete the user. Select "Change Password" to change a user's password.

Note: You must enter a user’s current password to change it.

Best Practices for granting data access to employees

ActivTrak's data insights can empower employees to self-manage and make necessary adjustments to improve productivity, achieve better work-life balance and form healthier work habits. If you'd like to grant employees access to their ActivTrak data, you have options:


Personal Insights


ActivTrak data in Microsoft Power BI

  • Grant Viewer role access. The Viewer role allows an employee to view data for themselves and others you may want to grant them access to (such as team members) but does not allow them to drill down into the details of activities or access any account settings. You can customize the Viewer role by following these instructions. Note: This option does require direct ActivTrak app access and is not our top recommendation for granting employees access to their data only as setup can become cumbersome. (Each employee would need to be set up as a separate group with only themselves in it).

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